Tested on humans.

Impactful Insights for the Real World

“The conclusions ultimately led to profound business results & financial improvements for our business.”

Jennifer Realo, EVP & Chief Product Officer | Nava Health & Vitality Center

Tested On Humans

Impactful Insights for the Real World

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“They think, and then they challenge your thinking to make it better.”

CMO, Retail Brand

How can we help bring the human element to your business insights?

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What Does A Marketing Research Company Do?

Stitch Marketing Research is not (really) a market research company. We provide consulting services focused on human decision-making. We’re here to deliver empathic research that includes the subjective experience, not just churn out datasets. Our clients depend on our firm to weed through the excess of available information so we can develop actionable strategies. Your target partners are people -that’s why our research techniques are Tested on Humans.

For over a decade our agency has been using human-centered research methodologies –  including focus groups, surveys, in-depth interviews, and strategic analysis – to advise on real business tactics. While we’re a marketing research consulting service based in San Diego, our clients have included local partners and globally recognized corporations. They all have one thing in common – their ability to see challenges as opportunities. Allow us to introduce you to the market intelligence that will predict your next opportunity.

Market Research Case Studies

Research is what we do.
We deliver market intelligence that attacks real business issues, and we push for real business impact from our clients. As a partner in the business, we avoid the “interesting” and the “nice to know” – instead our clients partner with Stitch for impactful decisions and actions.

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This is How We Work

Humans first.
A differentiating factor:
Stitch Marketing Research brings the human equation to the front and center of the marketing discipline. We’re not a market research agency, really. Our market research consultants are a group of human decision-making experts.

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  • Don’t Research That

    Perhaps counter-intuitively, at Stitch we often find ourselves starting conversations with,“Actually, you don’t need to research that.” If we’re in the business of selling market inte...

Latest Stitch Commentary
  • "The way that Stitch Marketing Research was able to comprehend the market so quickly has allowed us to have much higher confidence in the direction of our program. In fact, based on the findings we have made many alterations to the business plan. They found things we were too close to grasp about the market we live in every day."

    Luke ThorkildsenCategory Product Manager | Bear Archery

  • Using Methods Tested on Humans for Real World Insight

    Our team of experts and research services allow us to fully equip you with the industry insights you need for your business objectives.

    Qualitative Research

    For cases that require an in-depth understanding of the target user, we use Primary Qualitative Research. We create an immersive environment to learn more about your consumers’ thoughts on your brand and products. We’ve found that listening first, then asking questions later, leads to meaningful discussions about your customer’s motivations.

    Quantitative Research

    Pairing data-driven research with our human-focused methodology enables us to provide big picture insights with measurable targets. We know that making SMART business goals involves measurable milestones, and we are here to provide the data to match.

    Market Landscape Research

    Market Landscape reporting creates a thorough map of your market, ensuring that you are one (or two) steps ahead of your competitors. You may be launching into a new market, targeting a new consumer type, or tweaking your positioning. These steps are not happening in a vacuum; they’re happening in a real-world market, and you need to be experts on that market. Additional optimizing of your game plan involves direct insights into your competition’s advertising, impressions, and strategies will lead to confident decision-making for your marketing team.

    Marketability Assessment

    You may have exploratory business ventures on the drawing board, and are at the start of research and development asking, “Is there a market for…?”. Marketability Assessments are targeted toward your preliminary product and services, and will provide your team with the certainty that they can hit the ground running.

    Concept Testing

    Our clients know that “just trying it” isn’t always the most efficient way to maximize your team’s efforts. We help you determine the business endeavors that are your best investments and avoid the ones that would be a waste of R & D. From branding and messaging to new features to advertising testing; we test your consumers’ reactions to your latest enterprise.

    Research Strategy Consulting

    In some cases, our partners begin their relationship with us, searching for expert evaluation of their in-house consumer and marketing data. We provide research strategy consulting to determine the best research methods for actionable business outcomes. Ask us about our research strategy services today.